Easter begins with the consecration of palms, on Palm Sunday everyone comes to our farm at 9:45 a.m. for the consecration of palms. An altar is set up and decorated by our peasant family. The farmer’s wife ties magnificent palm bushes the day before, every guest child can tie their own palm bush under the farmer’s wife’s guidance and then decorate with pretzels and colorful ribbons.
Our Pinzgau dialect gives those who get up the latest on certain days of Lent with particularly rustic names, for example on Palm Sunday one becomes Palmochs, on Maundy Thursday the “stinking egg” (“stinkats Oa”).
On Maundy Thursday, the Easter eggs are traditionally decorated with the first flowers and grass and then colored with onion skins and food coloring… all guest children can help!
Strictly fasting, ie eating without meat, is eaten in our family from Maundy Thursday to Holy Saturday noon; then the Easter roast follows. In the afternoon at 4:00 p.m. the consecration of food usually takes place in the church; the consecrated dishes (home-baked Easter lamb, bread, bacon, cheese, Easter eggs, horseradish and salt) are then enjoyed for supper…